What I'm Luvving

What I’m Luvving This Week

OMG. WHY did it take Friday so damn long to get here? I’m excited to lay low this weekend and spend some time outside with Matt and Margot.

Also – If you watch my Instagram stories and saw my Nordstrom Anniversary Sale try on I told you guys I had more stuff coming because I’m a ridiculous person. Well, here it is! There’s 9 days left of the sale and here’s what I’m keeping from my second order:

nordstrom anniversary sale chelsea28 lace yoke top blanknyc suede skirt le specs air heart shiraleah maxine scarf glopro

This lace yoke blouse is great for now and for fall layered with a cardigan. //  I’m excited to wear this suede skirt with over the knee boots this fall. // The GloPro! I’ve been wanting to try this for so long and this is a great price. You get the face and eye micro-needling tools and some of their skincare products. Super excited to try this out and of course I’ll let you guys know what I think after I’ve been using it for about a month. // These sunglasses are adorable and a good price. These aren’t actually part of the sale, the tortoise color way was but I liked the black better and now the tortoise is sold out. // A neutral scarf is always a must for fall!

Have a great weekend! Any fun plans? I’d love to hear!


Fashion addict, beauty enthusiast, wife to Matt, momma to Margot