Mom Life

  • Mom Life,  Style

    Where I Shop For My Girls

    Kids are so fun to shop for! They grow so fast I feel like I’m constantly buying them new things. Luckily, Ella can wear whatever Margot outgrows. I get asked a lot where I shop for my girls. I always have to balance between spending a little more on truly adorable things and sticking to more inexpensive items that they won’t fit into after a few years. Margot is almost five and definitely has an opinion on what she wears! I always try to buy things for future seasons on sale. Here is where I shop for my girls:

    For Margot:

    Margot pretty much only wants to wear dresses and nightgowns lately. I did find some shorts sets for her, though. She also mostly wants to wear one piece swimsuits, but with little kids trying to make it to the potty on time it’s nice to have some two piece options. I also love these two strap sandals that she can get off and on herself and are ok to get wet.

    Where I shop for my girls

    For Ella:

    Since Ella is a new walker I find rompers easiest for her. If dresses are too long they can trip her up or make it hard when she wants to crawl. She still wears a sleep sack for bed so I usually put her in lightweight, long sleeve pajamas. Ella doesn’t need a ton of new things so I like to stick to cheaper options like H&M, but sometimes we pick up something special from Janie and Jack or Boden.

    Where I shop for my girls

    You can shop all of my picks here!

  • Mom Life

    Celebrating Earth Month With Lexus

    earth day picnic with lexus

    Something you might now know about me – I drive a Toyota Prius! When I started working at my last job – facing a 40 minute commute – I knew it was time for a new car. Sustainability, safety, and amazing gas mileage were at the top of the list, so choosing a Prius was a no brainer. When Toyota reached out to me to partner with them in celebration of Earth month I jumped at the chance! I had the opportunity to drive the Lexus NX 300 hybrid. Keep reading for all of the fun activities we did while celebrating Earth Month with Lexus!

    Our Week Celebrating Earth Month With Lexus

    The car was delivered on Monday. On Tuesday the girls and I loaded up the Lexus and headed to Estabrook park for a picnic. It was so nice to get out and enjoy the spring sunshine! We love Estabrook park for all of it’s grassy areas, playgrounds, dog park, and beer garden.

    sustainable coffee and baked goods in milwaukee

    On Wednesday we picked up coffee and baked goods at Colectivo Coffee. Colectivo has been our local go-to for years. Colectivo coffee is brewed locally. Troubador Bakery in Bay View makes the baked goods daily using sustainable ingredients.

    little sprouts play cafe

    On Thursday we joined a Stroller Fitness class with Little Sprouts Play Cafe. We met up with a group of ladies and kids and headed back over to Estabrook Park for the workout. Afterwards, all of the kids got to play at Little Sprouts while the moms drank coffee and chatted. Little Sprouts does a great job of having lots of open ended wooden toys mixed with traditional toys to play with. The girls had a great time and it was worth the tantrum when we left!

    celebrating earth month with lexus

    The girls and I headed over to the Lakefront for a walk on Friday. Milwaukee has so many gorgeous lakefront parks with trails and beaches to explore. On this day we started at Lake Park, but we also love Seven Bridges, Atwater, and Back Bay parks. I’ve also always wanted to check out Lion’s Den Gorge.

    bavette la boucherie

    On Saturday we went out to dinner as a family at Bavette La Boucherie. Bavette is a local farm to table restaurant and butcher in one. We were able to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine as well as our delicious food. We enjoyed cornbread with honey butter, pimento cheese on toast, a Cuban sandwich, pork mole tacos, and a glass of rose.

    celebrating earth month with lexus

    The Features I Loved

    Driving the Lexus NX 300 hybrid all week was a lot of fun! I loved the sunroof, heated and cooled seats, back up camera, and automatic trunk. I got about 35 MPG and loved seeing the usage between gas and battery in the large screen. The car also has lost of safety features, like alerting you when you get too close to something. The mix of luxury vehicle and sustainability are unmatched. I’m definitely keeping the Lexus NX 300 hybrid on my list when I’m looking for a new car. We had so much fun all week celebrating Earth Month with Lexus!

    Thank you to Toyota for sponsoring this post!

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  • Mom Life

    Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

    mother's day gift ideas

    Mother’s Day is in two weeks! I’m always trying to come up with something last minute. But, this year I think I have some pretty good ideas. The past year has been tough on everyone, but a lot of the pressure and responsibility has fallen on moms. This year more than ever moms deserve a Mother’s Day treat! Today I’ve rounded up my best Mother’s Day gift ideas.

    Necessaire Body Ritual set – The Body Ritual Set includes The Body Wash, The Body Lotion, The Body Exfoliator and The Body Serum and brings the spa to you, encouraging busy moms to prioritize some much needed self-care! Get 10% off with code HANSEN10.

    Nap dress – Mom definitely deserves a nap! She’ll feel pretty and be comfy in my favorite nap dress.

    Jewelry – I discovered this Etsy shop this year and they have some of the prettiest, unique pieces.

    Flowers – Obvious choice, but I always love the mix of blooms grown sustainably and delivered straight to your door from The Bouqs.

    Candle set – This is one of those items any mom would love but probably wouldn’t buy for herself.

    Market tote – Pairs perfectly with a bouquet and a bottle of wine!

    Coffee table book – These coffee table books are so fun to look at and look pretty on a table or shelf!

    Faux olive plant – If your mom has a black thumb like me, a faux plant in a pretty pot is a perfect gift that will look great all year!

    Let me know in the comments if you’re still on the hunt for Mother’s Day gift ideas!

    Shop all of my daily looks here!

  • Mom Life

    Traveling With Kids

    A few weeks ago we finally had the chance to take the girls to the North Woods of Wisconsin. This was our first trip up north with Ella and traveling with two kids is no joke! We brought so much stuff it felt like we were moving in! Today I wanted to share some of the item that we use when we travel that have made our lives easier.

    Items We Can’t Travel Without

    1. Travel Crib – This Pack N Play has been great to use with both girls! This style is more simple than some of the others out there. The bassinet on top is great when they’re tiny and can be removed as they grow. It folds up into a carrying case to make it easy to load in the car.
    2. Blackout shades – Getting good sleep on vacation can really make or break a trip! being able to black out the windows to ensure good naps and night sleep is huge. We have these portable blackout shades to put over windows as well as a snooze shade that fits over the Pack N Play.
    3. White Noise – Both of our girls sleep with white noise at home so we always bring this portable white noise machine when we’re on the go.
    4. Diaper caddy and clutch – We have three of these diaper clutches we use them so much! One in the diaper bag, one in Matt’s care, and one for travel. When we travel we keep it in the diaper caddy. We also load the caddy up with diapers, wipes, cream, and anything else we might need handy. We put the caddy in the car somewhere we can easily access for changes on the go.
    5. Sun shade – This isn’t something we always bring but it is really awesome for the beach! It folds up into a bag that could easily be packed in a carry on. It’s super quick to put up and take down. We always get asked about it when we have it set up at the beach!
    6. Baby carrier – This baby carrier can be used from infant to age two. We got it with Margot and it’s still in great shape for Ella! I bring this up north in case we go for a hike.
    7. Double stroller – I only wanted one stroller ever and I’m so glad I got this one! It can be configured so many ways but now with both girls it’s been a game changer. It’s slim enough to fit through doorways and can still be folded up with the second seat attached. Either girl can sit in both seats or we can attach the infant car seat on top. It’s also all terrain. Probably the best baby purchase I made!
    8. Extra car seat – Ella is still in the infant car seat, but this is the extra seat we use for Margot. It’s super lightweight so perfect for moving between cars or taking on a plane.
    9. Hook on highchair – This is the only high chair we have. It is usually hooked onto our dining room table. It’s pretty quick to take down and apart and all the pieces fit into a little bag. So nice to take up north so Ella has a place to sit at the table!
  • Mom Life

    Ella’s Birth Story

    natural hospital birth story

    I had been having contractions off and on and generally feeling terrible since 38 weeks. The closer I got to my due date contractions would start at night and then fizzled out by morning. It didn’t help that the baby kept rolling from side to side every morning. I was doing everything I could to get her to settle on my left and stay there!

    On October 13th I was two days away from my due date. My mom had been staying with us for two weeks so she could be with Margot when I went into labor. That morning we decided to go for a walk since the weather was nice. I had heard about curb walking so I decided to try it to see if anything would start. If nothing else it helped get the baby back to my left side!

    The rest of the afternoon I sat on a yoga ball and circled my hips to get the baby lower in my pelvis so she would stay in place. I started watching Harry Potter with Margot but we only got about an half way through before it was her bed time. I put Margot to bed at 8:00pm and went upstairs around 9:00pm. I turned the lights out at 9:30pm and I wasn’t even asleep yet when contractions started up hard around 10:00pm.

    At 11:00pm I went downstairs to tell Matt contractions were about ten minutes apart and I thought I was in labor. He came upstairs around 11:30pm to try to get some sleep before we had to go to the hospital. I tried to get some sleep as well but it proved futile with contractions waking me up every ten minutes or so.

    By 2:00am it was too uncomfortable to stay in bed and I knew I needed to get up and move. I went back downstairs to sit on the ball and watch some more Harry Potter.

    At 3:00am it was getting harder to concentrate so I went upstairs to take a quick shower and wake Matt up. I finished gathering my things for the hospital and woke my mom up. We sat in the living room a while longer while Matt called the hospital to let them know we were coming in. We left the house around 3:45am and arrived at the hospital at 4:00am. The ride to the hospital was not easy!

    After arriving in the emergency room a nurse from labor and delivery came to take us to triage. I was still managing through contractions but I really wanted to get into the jacuzzi. We had to be monitored for about 30 minutes in triage and I was so happy to hear I was already at 5cm!

    We were taken to our room around 4:30am and after another 30 minutes of monitoring I was able to go to the tub room! I stripped down and got in while Matt got some wash cloths to pour water over my back. I wasn’t comfortable laying back so I stayed on my knees and leaned forward in the tub. At this point I was shaking and having a really hard time getting through contractions. After 30 minutes I told Matt I was gonna be sick and he pulled a trash can over. Before I had the chance to throw up I had another contraction and felt a lot of pressure. I immediately told Matt I had to get out. He called our nurse and helped me get dry and dressed and we went back to the room.

    On our way to the room I had a contraction that made me bear down. Basically every time I breathed out it turned into a grunt and I couldn’t help from pushing. We got in the room and I hopped up on the bed and with the next contraction my water broke. Our nurse called in the midwife. I still had a hospital gown covering my backside. The midwife wanted to check me to make sure I was at 10cm but with the next contraction I could feel the baby coming out! They lifted the gown and her head was right there! The next contraction her head was out! One more final contraction and Ella Jane was born!

    It was 5:57am – we had only been at the hospital for two hours. Ella weighed 7lbs and 6oz and was 20.5” long. She came out so fast she still had fluid in her lungs. She gave a tiny cry but she had to be taken over to the warmer and the NICU team was called in. Matt went over by Ella while I got stitched up (two small tears). She had fuzzy blonde hair and he let me know she had ten fingers and ten toes.

    In the end she needed some extra oxygen so she did have to go to the NICU for 48 hours. It was so hard – my heart goes out to families that have to spend an extended amount of time in the NICU. We didn’t get to hold her much until she was 24 hours old and she didn’t get to nurse until the second night. I’m happy I was able to pump and give her colostrum and when she was finally able to nurse she latched right on. Now she’s doing great and gained two pounds in her first month!

    We are so in love with this little girl and navigating life as a family of four!


  • Mom Life

    What’s In My Hospital Bag

    What's In My Hospital Bag

    As of this week I am 36 weeks pregnant and this baby will be here very soon! That means it’s time to pack my hospital bag! I was very pleased with what I brought to the hospital when I had Margot and I’ve pared it down even more this time. In most cases the hospital provides what you need so you really don’t need to pack a lot! Here’s my list of what I am bringing:

    What I’m wearing to the hospital

    On the way to the hospital I’m planning to wear a nursing nightgown, a pair of comfy undies, my Barefoot Dreams cardigan, and slip on sneakers. Once we’re admitted I’ll change into the hospital provided gown and slipper socks but this way I’ll have a nursing gown and comfy cardigan with me if I want to wear them postpartum.

    For the delivery room

    For the delivery room I’m bringing a few things to make me more comfortable and to help me through labor. When we had Margot we brought a portable diffuser with lavender essential oil to mask the hospital smell and I’m so glad we did! We also used it in our recovery room. I brought a big cup with a straw for ice water – one of Matt’s jobs in labor was making sure I stayed hydrated and giving me sips of water. I’m sure some hospitals provide this but I wasn’t offered anything in labor so it’s a good idea to bring your own. The hospital also most likely won’t let you eat while in labor. I didn’t ask, but I brought some Luna bars just in case I got hungry and needed some calories for energy. I ended up having no appetite while in labor but we also brought juice boxes which was a Godsend! I started feeling like I needed some energy when I was close to pushing and sucked down two juice boxes quickly. In the moment it was the best thing I’ve ever tasted! We also had a file folder with three copies of our birth plan for the midwife, the nurses, and ourselves, and a pen. Finally, we brought two bags of chocolates for the nurse’s station just as a little thank you.

    For recovery

    I brought other clothes last time, but all I ended up wearing was a robe and the hospital provided mesh undies! So this time I am just bringing a robe and flip flops to wear in the shower. I’ll also bring a nursing tank and maternity leggings to wear home with my Barefoot Dreams cardigan, slip on sneakers, and an extra pair of comfy undies. For breast feeding I plan to bring these Medela Hydrogels. I prefer these to nipple cream as they are cooling, soothing, and stay on without being messy. Other than that I am bringing a long charging cord for my phone, toiletries and makeup, hair ties and clips, dry shampoo, and a brush. That’s it!

    For the baby

    The hospital provides diapers and wipes, little shirts and blankets, and a hat for the baby so we won’t need much for our stay. I’m terrible at swaddling with regular blankets so I am planning to bring my Ollie Swaddle so I can try to put her down while we sleep. I’m bringing one sleeper and hat to put on her to go home in, a muslin swaddle blanket to cover her with in the carseat, and a fuzzier blanket to put over that so she doesn’t get cold.

    This all fits in one big tote bag and we should be good to go! Was there anything you had for your hospital stay that isn’t on my list? Let me know in the comments!


  • Mom Life

    Ultimate Baby Registry!

    Today I’m sharing everything you need on your baby registry! I did a ton of research before we had Margot and these are items we have used and loved, plus a few new items we are trying out for baby number 2!

    ultimate baby registry

    First up are the things we are buying for baby number two:

    Bassinet – I wish we would’ve had this for Margot! This bassinet comes highly recommended. It has adjustable height and swivels so you can easily pull it closer or push it away for getting in and out of bed. The side also slides down when you put the baby back in so you don’t wake them. Excited to try this out!

    Pacifiers – Margot never took one so we’ll see if they work on baby number two. The Wubbanubs are the ones I see recommended most often.

    Sound Machine – Margot still uses hers so we need a second one for the new baby. I’ve heard great things about this one!

    Blackout Shades – It’s so nice when newborns can sleep anywhere, but eventually they need pitch black to keep from getting distracted so they can fall asleep/ I like that these use suction cups so they are removable for travel!

    Monitor Camera – This is the second camera for the monitor we have. Love having a video monitor so I can see when the girls really need me!

    Swaddle – We tried so many swaddles with Margot and were not successful! I’ve heard great things about this one so I’m excited to try it out. You can get 10% off with code LAURENELIZHANSEN10!

    Muslin blankets – We used these for everything with Margot. I picked up a few new ones for the new baby!

    Baby bath sponge – This thing is the best! You can put it in the sink or the bath tub or even on the counter if you are just doing a sponge bath. You can pack it up in a big ziplock. Just wring it out and hang it over the side of the tub to dry. No need for a big baby tub! We wore out the one we used with Margot so picking up a new one for this baby.

    Little Remedies Kit – It’s always a good idea to have baby medicine on hand before you need it. So glad we had one of these with Margot! The gripe water and gas drops came in handy in the early newborn days.

    Bath Thermometer – These are so cute and give me peace of mind that I’m not making the bath too hot.

    Nose Frida – I know – gross in theory. But it works soooo well! Need to get a new one for baby number two.

    Convertible Car Seat – We have this for Margot and I love that it’s the only car seat she’ll need until she grows out of them. We’ll use an infant seat until she grows out of it around 10 months.

    Car seat protector – Ugh, I totally should’ve got one of these before I had Margot. My back seat is a disaster of crumbs and squished raisins! Planning to get the car detailed and install these before putting the car seats back in!

    Things we used with Margot that we loved:


    Out & About




    Play & Learn

    Phew! That took a while to put together! I hope you find this helpful. Anything I missed? Let me know if there’s something not on my list that I should add for baby number two!

    ultimate baby registry

  • Mom Life

    My Natural Hospital Birth

    natural hospital birth story

    Now that I’m in the third trimester I’m starting to really prepare for this baby! I find it helpful to read positive birth stories so today I’d like to share Margot’s birth story with you. I’m sharing all of the details so fair warning!

    Margot’s Birth Story

    On Monday, October 3rd, 2016 I was 39 weeks and 3 days. I woke up at 2:15am with a mild contraction. I had another about 20 minutes later but I just decided to go back to sleep and figured if it was real labor I would wake up. I had a weird dream that I had bloody show and couldn’t find a pad anywhere (lol) and woke up at 4:45am with more contractions. I went to the bathroom and had some light bloody show! Matt’s alarm went off at 5:30am and I told him things might be happening. We decided to work from home for the day just in case this was real labor.

    I stayed in bed for another hour and then went downstairs and had breakfast. By this point contractions were 7-8 minutes apart. I showered and got ready for the day, leaning and swaying against the bathroom counter when a contraction would come. By 8:30am contractions were about 5 minutes apart. I came downstairs and called my parents while Matt walked the dogs and showered. We spent the rest of the morning sitting on a ball, relaxing and breathing, and timing contractions and listening to music. I tried taking a bath at one point but that wasn’t doing much for me. By 11am contractions were 3 minutes apart and we called the midwife on call and told them we would be in.

    It was a beautiful sunny day and we were in good spirits! I was still managing pretty well. We were laughing and giddy on the way to the hospital. And of course we got stuck behind a garbage truck at some point which luckily we found funny at the time!

    We got to the hospital at 12:00pm and went to labor and delivery triage. The midwife and student midwife on call came in to check me. I was 3cm. I was a little disappointed at the time, hoping I would be further along, but looking back I think I would have had a hard time being monitored in the bed if I would’ve been any farther along. I was monitored in triage for about 30 minutes and then we went to our our room and were monitored for another 30 minutes so our nurse could get a baseline.

    My midwife had put that we took Bradley classes in my chart and the nurses and midwives were super respectful! They asked for our birth plan and told us since we were a Bradley couple they would stay out of our way unless we needed them. So awesome!

    We spent the next hour laboring in our room. I tried rocking on a ball but that started making me nauseous. I leaned over the end of the bed, got on all fours on the bed, put my back to the wall, and tried sitting on the toilet forwards and backwards. Matt ordered a pizza at some point, haha! About 2:30pm I got really nauseous sitting on the toilet and puked into a bucket. At that point I wanted to get into the tub. They had wanted me to wait initially until I was farther along but at this point decided I was in active labor and the tub would be ok. Our nurse went to get the tub ready (our hospital has a dark room with a jacuzzi tub and twinkle lights on the ceiling).

    We went to the tub around 3pm. I had to kneel and lay my head against the side while Matt held towels under my head. I started sweating and Matt put cold washcloths on my neck and forehead. I had to start vocalizing through contractions and kept my voice low so I wouldn’t tense up. After about an hour I was done with the tub and no position was comfortable and I needed a change.

    We got back to our room around 4pm and I got checked again – 7cm. I was waiting for transition to hit me at this point! I mostly labored on the bed on hands and knees and had the back of the bed put up so I could lean against it. I was still sweating like crazy and Matt was using cold wash cloths on my neck and back and giving me water and juice between contractions.

    At 5pm our nurse said, “My shift is over at 7:30 so if you could have your baby by then that would be great!” I said, “I would love to!” and she left the room. The next contraction I felt like it would feel good to push and then I felt and heard a pop! I said, “What was that?! Oh! My water broke?” Matt said it was just more blood (I was having lots of bloody show throughout). Then I felt the water start to leak out and said, “No, I think my water broke” and Matt looked and then went to get our nurse. Our nurse came in and saw me grunting through the next contraction and called the midwives. They came in and checked me and I was at 10cm! I was still on my knees facing the back of the bed and started pushing through each contraction. They had me spread my knees apart further so I was in a squat/kneel kind of position. Margot was born at 5:39pm!

    Margot was placed on my chest right after she came out. The midwives waited until the umbilical cord stopped pulsing and then Matt cut the cord. She started to nurse pretty soon after. She also peed on me right away! We got a little over an hour of skin to skin time and they did all of her checks while she was on my chest. Then Matt did skin to skin for about 30 minutes and then they weighed and measured her.

    I needed a few stitches for a few small tears and had to get an IV of pitocin because my uterus wasn’t contracting enough to slow the blood flow. One thing we did not do a good job of was going to the bathroom enough! They had to drain my bladder with a catheter so they could knead my uterus when they were trying to slow the blood. Other than that the things we were surprised by were having a baby before her due date, and I did not have a clear transition. I had sweating and got the shakes a bit when I was going from 7cm to 10cm but did not have the emotional signposts of transition.

    Overall we were both so happy with our birth and so proud of how we worked together to bring Margot into the world!

  • Mom Life

    Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Kids and Baby Picks

    To be honest, there wasn’t a huge amount of options this year for baby and kids. However, I found a few really great deals. There’s a few North Face and Patagonia options that are good deals as well, and this is a great time to buy these items on sale as they rarely get marked down until after/later during the cold season.


    I have heard great things about these convertible car seats – how easy they are to install and adjust and that they don’t take up a ton of room in your car. Also this stroller and infant car seat have great reviews. I love that the stroller ahas a large basket for storage and has so many seat configurations. I always love an infant seat that goes with the stroller to make it a travel system and this seat is also lightweight which is a must!

    Items for Baby

    Some super cute baby items in the sale – like the Little Giraffe Blanket! Margot had one and still loves to cuddle and nap with it. Buntings always come in handy during our Wisconsin winter. I love this bath set from Noodle & Boo – it has everything you need! And although I don’t need a ton of stuff for baby number 2, I think she should have a new outfit and a new towel set!

    Items for Big Sister

    This sale is a great time to start looking for fall clothes for the littles. Margot will need a new puffer jacket for winter and I love this pink plaid one! She actually asks to wear jeans sometimes to match mom so maybe we’ll try these. Also loving a few cute sweaters. We love Converse shoes for her, but have also had a pair of See Kai Run shoes and they are awesome! I love these little high tops!

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  • Mom Life

    Gender Reveal and Pregnancy Q&A!

    gender reveal

    Well, if it isn’t obvious…Surprise! We’re having another girl! Honestly, I was shocked to learn that baby number two would be a girl. I grew up with two older brothers so I guess I never really imagined having more than one girl in my family. I always wanted a sister and I am so excited for Margot that she will get to experience that. All of you with sisters or daughters will have to teach me everything you know!

    I have to say thank you to all of you for your kind and loving words on our pregnancy announcement. This pregnancy is flying by so quickly, I feel like I haven’t really been able to come to grips with being a mom of two yet. I wanted to do a Q&A to update everyone on my pregnancy so far and I thought this would be the easiest way. Without further ado!

    gender reveal pregnancy q&a

    Pregnancy Q&A

    When are you due? October! Margot’s birthday is October 3rd so these girls will be exactly three years apart. I just hope this little one isn’t born on Margot’s actual birthday. I have mixed feelings about their birthdays so close together but I guess my oldest brother’s birthday is only 2.5 weeks before mine and it was never an issue. I think three years apart is a good gap!

    How have you been feeling? What symptoms have you had? I was pretty nauseous the first trimester with Margot and this time around was even worse. I never threw up but had a general feeling of car sickness every day all day. I started taking B6 at night and that helped tremendously. I was also super tired with both pregnancies – like ready for bed at 7:30pm every night. I also had no appetite and most food grossed me out or just didn’t sound good so I actually lost a little weight in the first trimester. Then, just when I should’ve started to feel slightly normal, I got hit with bronchitis. I ended up having to take antibiotics but it knocked it out and now, at almost 22 weeks, I’m finally feeling pretty good!


    gender reveal pregnancy q&a

    Were you trying? I would say we were not trying / not preventing for a few months. We knew we wanted another child and wanted Margot to have a sibling, but we also are in a pretty good groove right now so it was hard to decide when the right time would be. I always thought I wanted at least three years in between kiddos so I was fine with passively trying. Luckily we have not had a hard time getting pregnant, it was all about timing. We were pretty busy over the holidays and once things finally settled down after the New Year it happened!

    How did you find out you were pregnant? Around the time I should start my period I was feeling a little crampy. I decided to take a test for the heck of it and saw maybe the start of a line. I was pretty much in denial since I had no other symptoms so I waited a few days and then took a digital test on a Saturday morning. When the word “pregnant” popped up I showed it to Matt and he said, “Who did that?!” Which is such a Matt response, haha!

    Do you have names picked out? We actually decided on a name over Memorial Day weekend up north! I think we’ll keep it a secret until the baby is born, though.

    gender reveal pregnancy q&a

    When did you find out the sex? We did genetic testing at 12 weeks, which we also did with Margot. This time around they offered us a test that looks at the chromosomes from your blood test and can also tell you the sex, which is how we found out. So we’ve known since around 12 weeks which I loved because I was so curious! I remember waiting until the 20 week ultrasound with Margot and feeling like I was going to burst if I didn’t find out soon. We also had our anatomy scan at 20 weeks with this little one which confirmed she is a girl.

    Skincare while pregnant tips?? I am planning an entire post on this soon! Stay tuned!

    Will you breastfeed/ did you breastfeed Margot? Yes and yes! I nursed with Margot and pumped at work for a year and she continued to nurse from time to time for another year after I stopped pumping. We were very blessed to have a good, long nursing relationship. I am planning to nurse this little one and I will definitely get help when needed. Hopefully it will be a bit easier this time around since I somewhat know what I’m doing but every baby is different so we will see. I am planning to write a post about all of my nursing tips and must haves!

    gender reveal pregnancy q&a

    Baby must-haves, strollers, etc.? Also planning a post for this! The nice thing about having two girls both born in the fall is that I don’t need a lot of new stuff but there are a few things I will need replacements of or new things that have come out that I want to try!

    Do you have a birth plan or a type of birth in mind? We did the Bradley Method of childbirth with Margot which is also called “Husband Coached Childbirth.” I knew I wanted an unmedicated birth and our Bradley classes prepared Matt and I for that super well. Going into Margot’s birth we felt as prepared as we possibly could be as new parents. We will follow that method again and hopefully things will go as smoothly as they did for Margot’s birth. I am planning to share her birth story on the blog soon!

    gender reveal pregnancy q&a

    I hope I answered all your questions in this pregnancy Q&A! If you have any others, feel free to leave them below and I’ll respond to them in the comment section.

    Thank you all so much for your support and love during my pregnancy! I’m so appreciative!